How to work on the Cloud?

How to work on the Cloud?

We already know how the cloud works, more than a technology presents us with a service modality, a performance delivery platform that simplifies the way of doing things. The cloud computing industry comes with some technicalities that will be explained in a simpler way, so we can understand how it works and how it can helps us.

To get a better comprehension, we need to define the different service models approaches of cloud computing:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Service model where companies start using equipment on the cloud, performing the same operations they do but without the need of using physical space, energy resources, air conditioner, etc.
  • This model can work for you if you want to control from the infrastructure layer all the services or platforms you manage, including their installation, maintenance and operation.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • In this cloud model, an Android environment is provided to manipulate applications on the cloud.
  • Using Platform as a Service you can deploy operations, since the supplier is responsible for providing the physical environment, and functional means, you only need to care about its administration
  • The most common examples you will find about Platform as a Service are: Operating systems, Management system of a database, Technical support, Hosting.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • It is the easiest service model to understand because the software as a service are the applications you use as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • In this model, your only concern is having the apps at the moment you need them, the infrastructure and the platform that is behind are not part of you operation process.
  • The availability and the correct deploy of the apps should be your only worries.
  • At IT-S on cloud, we create a new category of service model called security as a service.

Security as a Service (SaaS)

  • This model is a derivation of the traditional SaaS, we focus on software solutions or applications dedicated to the security of the data hosted on the cloud.
  • We have taken advantage of our security experience on premise, evolving and adapting to the digital transformation, in order to provide a comprehensive security service that suits your business needs.
  • Providing not only an IaaS, PaaS or SaaS product but offering a holistic service, including advisory through all the process, helping you take advantage of all the cloud benefits.
  • Companies should embrace digital transformation to stay relevant in today world.

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